Quander takes command of U.S. Army Engineer School

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On December 5, 2019

Incoming USAES Commandant Col. Mark Quander (left) takes the colors from Maj. Gen. Donna Martin, MSCoE commanding general, during a ceremony held July 2 on MSCoE Plaza. (Photo Credit: Ms. Dawn M. Arden, Fort Leonard Wood)

Col. Mark Quander, MS EMgt’00, recently became the 98th commandant of the U.S. Army Engineer School at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Quander was also promoted to brigadier general. In a press release announcing the promotion, Quander said he looked forward to continuing the unit’s traditions and moving forward on the path set by his predecessor. 

Quander was previously commander and division engineer of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Transatlantic Division in Winchester, Va. He earned a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1995. He also holds master’s degrees from Georgetown University in public policy and from the U.S. Army War College in strategic studies.

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On December 5, 2019. Posted in 2019, Beyond the Puck, Class Notes, Fall/Winter 2019