The overthrow of Honduras’ president last summer disrupted plans for S&T students to make a humanitarian trip to that country in August. But the students hope the situation will stabilize enough for them to make their trip over the semester break.
Some 20 members of Missouri S&T’s Engineers Without Borders student chapter had planned to travel to Santiago, Honduras, a town of about 6,000, Aug. 2-12 to continue work there to improve drinking water systems. Last year, they installed a 2,000-gallon water tank in Santiago, built rainwater collection systems and provided water filters for individual homes. But the team put its plans on hold after Manuel Zelaya was ousted by the Honduran army and flown into exile.
EWB President Katie Fritts said the team hopes to travel to Santiago over the break. Their plans include installation of a rainwater collection system, improving communication between the group and area residents, and completing project plans that include the installation of a pump to bring water from a spring at the bottom of a steep ridge to the village above.
More information about Missouri S&T’s EWB chapter is available online at