Commencement speaker: Science and technology solve problems

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On March 12, 2009

Don’t let barriers get in the way of future success, Joan Woodard, Math’73, told a group of nearly 600 graduating seniors during December 2008 commencement.

commencment_fmt.jpegIn her speech, Woodard said science and technology will solve energy problems, supply solutions for environmental stewardship, and provide for the health and well-being of people in developing nations around the world.

“At Missouri S&T, you have been learning to solve problems,” said Woodard, executive vice president and deputy laboratories director for the nuclear weapons program at Sandia National Laboratories. “You have received one of the best educations in the country for practical problem solving. … You have endured endless hours of writing, calculating, experimenting, building, testing and rebuilding. You have finished the courses and made the grades.”

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On March 12, 2009. Posted in News, Spring 2009