Due to the COVID-19 pandemic’s significant impact on the university budget, we are suspending production of Missouri S&T Magazine. This will be the final issue of this magazine until we are able to again publish.
This was a difficult decision, and one we postponed for as long as we could. We know that for many of you, this magazine is your lifeline to the university, your source for the latest news about your alma mater and your fellow Miners. We hope you will continue to stay connected through our monthly e-newsletter and through our online community. If you aren’t yet signed up for the newsletter or are not yet part of the online community, please visit mineralumni.com to learn how to connect.
Thank you for reading Missouri S&T Magazine over the years. Whether you knew it first as the MSM Alumnus, MSM-UMR Alumnus, UMR Magazine or our current name, we hope you were well served by this publication and our efforts to keep you informed and connected.