Celebrate Miner-style

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On August 4, 2020

Missouri S&T’s 150th Anniversary Celebration kicks off during Homecoming 2020, Oct. 16–17.

COVID-19 has affected Missouri S&T — and our world — in ways that were unimaginable a year ago. 

The pandemic has also affected our planning for Homecoming 2020 and the official kickoff for our 150th anniversary celebration. We still plan to celebrate in true Miner fashion, but exactly how we celebrate — whether face-to-face, virtually or in some combination of the two — has yet to be determined. We are working closely with S&T leadership and local public health officials to determine the right approach for our Homecoming events as well as the special events commemorating our 150th anniversary. 

While we hope to move forward with many of our planned events, some of them are likely to be affected because of COVID-19, social distancing requirements and other public health considerations that will be in place this fall. Some events may move to virtual experiences, while others may be postponed. And while we can’t predict what precautions may be in place for Homecoming Weekend, we will work on ways we can connect all Miners everywhere to celebrate. 

Please visit mineralumni.com or 150.mst.edu for the latest updates and information.

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On August 4, 2020. Posted in 2020, Around the Puck, MinerFest, News, Summer 2020