To the editor

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On August 2, 2019


Just received the latest Missouri S&T Magazine and read it cover to cover. Great job representing the College of Arts, Sciences, and Business (CASB) by students, faculty, staff and the Dean’s Leadership Council. April has been a big promotional month for CASB with the ‘Thank You’ video and now the magazine. Now … to figure out how to leverage all this press and continue to target other opportunities to help students and CASB.

Big Kudos to Ted Kelly, Dr. Paul Stricker, Cori Nelson, Steve Frey, Carl Schmitz, Pam Leitterman, Dr. (Stephen) Roberts and Dr. (Kate) Drowne on article input in Missouri S&T Magazine.

Michael Haynes, Chem’78
Florissant, Mo.

My mother, Ellen Woodman Doll, graduated in 1933 from MSM with a degree in general science with a biology major, and she completed all the coursework from Mizzou to earn teaching credentials. She was one of three coeds that year, and I believe that they all ended up in STEM-type teaching positions. It was during the depression, and she took the only teaching position available. She taught only for a limited time in a rural one-room school in Wishon, which was apparently 11 miles from Rolla. In the 1950s, she decided to go back into teaching now that we children were getting older and extra money for college would be nice. When she went to the Charleston, W. Va., Board of Education to apply for a teaching position, they couldn’t believe that she was a walking STEM teacher long before STEM became popular. It turns out she had the credits from her MSM education to be able to teach advanced math, chemistry, physics and biology. She taught algebra for a number of years before getting a master’s degree in guidance counseling.

Wick Doll, ChE’65
Spartanburg, S.C.

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On August 2, 2019. Posted in 2019, Around the Puck, Letters, Summer 2019