Student speakers inspire classmates

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On April 2, 2019

2019 fall spring commencement

During December commencement ceremonies, six students addressed the graduates.

Dalal Abduljaleel, BSci’18, spoke of her journey as a refugee in Iraq to completion of her degree and recognized those who supported her along the way. “The most valuable principle I learned throughout my entire life is knowing who to ask for help when I needed it, and to accept the help when it’s offered. When you help, support and love others, love will find its way back to you!”

Alyssa Snyder, PetE’18, drew parallels between a foundation that supports a building and the support that helped her succeed at S&T. “Wherever your journey takes you, I encourage you to find your own set of supports. Keep your family close (even as a real adult you can still call Mom), make connections with co-workers who will encourage you to move up, and lastly … find yourself a place to relax on the weekends.”

Ethar Alkamil, MS PetE’17, PhD PetE’18, spoke of inspiration. “As I’ve walked through Missouri S&T every day for the past five years, I’ve seen passion, creativity and greatness. I’ve been inspired by fellow students, faculty and staff — each with a drive to make the world better. My time here has given me even more power to pursue the infinite possibilities I have dreamed of.”

Melanie Blasé, Bus’18, spoke of the relationships she built and her admiration for her advisor, Cassie Elrod, EMgt’03, MS EMgt’04, PhD EMgt’07, associate professor of business and information technology. “One person cannot change the world, but each one of us, like Dr. Elrod, is completely capable of changing one person’s world. Simply choosing every day to spread kindness or positivity could be all the difference, and I urge you to give it a try, and if you have a Dr. Elrod in your life — thank them.”

Stanley Brown, a senior in aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering, thanked the people who invested in his success. “I’ve come to realize all the late nights prepared me for this very moment, not just professionally, but as a leader. I owe it to all the people who invested in me to walk the path they’ve paved for me and then push beyond those limits to extend the path for the next generation.”

Oluwatosin Sanya, MBA’18, who trained as a medical doctor in her home country, Nigeria, urged her fellow students to keep moving and pushing their limits. “We are gathered here today because you all chose to push your limits beyond what you thought were your boundaries, and here you are today having pushed beyond one more major boundary. I encourage you, don’t stop just yet! Believe in your potential. Keep pushing your limits, because your boundaries are limitless!”

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On April 2, 2019. Posted in 2019, Around the Puck, News, Spring 2019