Living laboratory houses lead battery research

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On November 29, 2018

Renewable-energy-focused neighborhoods, like Missouri S&T’s EcoVillage may become hubs of energy storage and exchange, thanks to research by a Missouri S&T Ph.D. student.

The new microgrids are powered with advanced lead batteries supplied by NorthStar Battery and Enersys.

This past November, Missouri S&T installed two new advanced lead battery microgrid systems at the EcoVillage, a “living laboratory” that is home to S&T’s solar-powered homes.

The S&T Microgrid Industrial Consortium plans to use the microgrids to test advancements in lead battery energy storage for their potential use as a renewable energy source in future communities. NorthStar Battery and EnerSys — global battery manufacturers and members of the Advanced Lead Acid Battery Consortium — and the Doe Run Co. donated the equipment and funding to construct the new microgrids.

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On November 29, 2018. Posted in Around the Puck, Fall/Winter 2018, News, Research