Homecoming 2018: MinerFest in review

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On November 29, 2018

Awardees were recognized during the Miner Legends Luncheon. (from left to right): William Tedesco, GGph’97, Karen (Strothkamp) Hogan, EMgt’02, Larry Gragg, Curators’ Distinguished Teaching Professor emeritus of history and political science, Missouri S&T, Dennis Leitterman, EE’76, MS EE’77, Diane Butrus, CSci’85, Dale Morse, EE’79, Traci Walker, Hist’00, Wenqing Hu, assistant professor of mathematics and statistics at Missouri S&T. Not pictured: David Heikkinen, ME’93

The Miner Alumni Association honored a select group of alumni during Homecoming for their accomplishments and their devotion to the association, the campus and its students.

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On November 29, 2018. Posted in Around the Puck, Association News, Fall/Winter 2018