Easier than ever with e-receipts

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On July 30, 2018

Missouri S&T and the Miner Alumni Association began providing electronic gift receipts on July 1 — giving you the advantage of immediate, paperless e-receipts to acknowledge your generosity.

Only donors who have provided email addresses will receive e-receipts. Those who have not will continue to receive paper receipts, although we encourage you to provide your email address and enjoy the ease of electronic receipting.

If we have your email address but you prefer to receive paper receipts, we’re glad to provide them — just opt out by contacting Patti Chism at chismp@mst.edu or 573-341-4777.

No matter how we convey our gratitude, we thank you for making a difference.

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On July 30, 2018. Posted in Around the Puck, News, Summer 2018