The best of times…

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On July 27, 2017

In his novel A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens wrote, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” What was the “best of times” for you in Rolla?

Historian Larry Gragg, Curators’ Distinguished Teaching Professor emeritus of history and political science, recently posed this question to our readers and on social media. Here are a couple of your answers.

My best of times at Rolla was the fall of 1956 when I met my wife-to-be, Evelyn, at a Radio Club (W0EEE) meeting on campus.

We are both still going strong. Go Miners!

Chuck Schneider, EE’59
Derby, Kan.

I enjoyed the hands-on classes in ceramic engineering, but some of the best times were saving the Dairy Queen coupons so Shelly Lewis, CSci’84, Dave Wilson, EE’83, Chuck Palmer, EE’82, and I could pool our money and go get ice cream sundaes!

Or sometimes we would pool our money and hit Mr. T’s on Thursday for Ladies’ Night and dance on the steel dance floor under the disco ball. I have lots of good memories about Fulton Hall, the professors, friends, throwing clay on the potter’s wheel, mud wrestling and … well, it was all good!

Erica Skouby, CerE’84
Nevada, Mo.
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On July 27, 2017. Posted in Around the Puck, Letter from the editor, Summer 2017