Graduates set plan in motion with clothing line

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On November 21, 2016

A business venture by three Missouri S&T alumni is making personal training more affordable with the Enflux smart fitness clothing line.

Doug Hoang, ME’10, Elijah Schuldt, AE’10, EE’10, and Matthew J. Brown, ME’09, co-founded Enflux, which makes athletic clothing with embedded motion sensors that capture the 3-D movement of your body during exercise.

“Other companies make clothing with sensors that will measure heart rate or how tense a muscle is, but not what counts most in fitness and athletic performance — the movement of your body,” says Hoang in a Wilmington (Mass.) Patch article.

Hoang explains that the smart clothing measures the quality of your form, intensity of your workout and other advanced exercise metrics, and reports back on a smartphone app in real time. The app provides actionable feedback, just like a personal trainer, to help you maximize your performance at the gym and in sports.

It all started at S&T.

“If my guidance counselor hadn’t educated me about Missouri S&T, I wouldn’t have met my co-founders and best friends,” he says. “After I graduated from Missouri S&T, I became a chief engineer designing and mass manufacturing engines. Then, I started Enflux with my college friends, and the rest is history.”

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On November 21, 2016. Posted in Beyond the Puck, Class Notes, Fall/Winter 2016