Follow the path

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On July 29, 2015

Missouri S&T is one of 25 U.S. universities selected to participate in Epicenter’s Pathways to Innovation program. Epicenter is funded by the National Science Foundation and directed by Stanford University and VentureWell.

The Pathways program leads teams of faculty and administrators through a two-year process to help institutions incorporate innovation and entrepreneurship into undergraduate engineering education.

Bonnie Bachman, a professor of economics at Missouri S&T, and John Lovitt, CSci’70, S&T’s first entrepreneur-in-residence, are the Pathways team leaders.

This spring, Epicenter named Josh Jetter, a senior in computer science, electrical engineering and computer engineering, a University Innovation Fellow.

The University Innovation Fellows program is designed to help students become agents of change at their schools. The Fellows are students in engineering and related fields who help their fellow students gain entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and attitudes.

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On July 29, 2015. Posted in Around the Puck, News, Summer 2015