Rich Eimer, EE’71, of Conroe, Texas, retired executive vice president of operations for Dynegy Inc., began his two-year term as president of the Miner Alumni Association in October. Missouri S&T Magazine staff asked him about his plans.
What is your vision for the association?
The Miner Alumni Association’s primary mission is to enhance the relationship between Missouri S&T and its alumni. We do that by creating a sense of community and loyalty. Our vision then should be to engage all our alumni, making them feel part of a worthwhile community deserving of their involvement and support.
What do you hope to accomplish during your presidency?
I want to firmly establish the new Hasselmann Alumni House as the on-campus home for our members. This involves the occupation, furnishing, utilization and ongoing financial viability of the facility. I also want to enhance our members’ experience so they feel part of an interested and caring community of alumni who support Missouri S&T and its mission.
What do you feel is the most important part of the alumni-university relationship?
In my experience, alumni feel the best about the university and the association when they get involved. Involvement can take many forms, but the first step is always the most important. Whenever we encounter our alumni, we must capture the moment and ensure they feel welcome and that they understand what the association and S&T are trying to accomplish, then entice them to take that first step.
Why should young alumni get involved with the association?
Young alumni have the most recent experience with the university and generally have a great level of enthusiasm about the future. They are also busy establishing their careers and lives, so an ongoing relationship with us is often a distant priority. We need to communicate our desire for them to remain connected to S&T and the Miner Alumni Association, give them the tools to remain involved and maximize the opportunities for them to do so.