Dear Alumni and Friends,

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On November 24, 2014

Twice a day I drive by the corner of 11th and State streets. For years, the scene there was the same: a full parking lot across the street from the Chancellor’s Residence. Today, I pass the amazing 68,500-square-foot building that houses Missouri S&T’s chemical and biochemical engineering program.

On Oct. 17, just 18 months after breaking ground for the building, Miner alumni joined Missouri S&T faculty, staff and students, along with members of the Rolla community, to celebrate the dedication of James E. Bertelsmeyer Hall. The fireworks were spectacular.

This issue of Missouri S&T Magazine is dedicated to Bertelsmeyer Hall — the back-story of the phenomenal alumni support for the project, a look at the building and a little bit about the magic that happens inside. You’ll also learn about some of the generous alumni who made Bertelsmeyer Hall possible.

Alumni like Jim Bertelsmeyer, ChE’66, who channeled a love of science and math into a successful career as a chemical engineer, businessman and entrepreneur. His love for his alma mater inspired him to give back in many ways.

Alumni like Bipin Doshi, ChE’62, MS ChE’63, whose respect for his mentor inspired the naming of the Unit Ops Lab — a well-known spot for all chemical engineering students.

And alumni like Jason Brinker, ChE’97, who helped promote a grassroots fundraising campaign among fellow alumni at ExxonMobil.

It’s an amazing story befitting an amazing facility. Read on and enjoy. And next time you’re in Rolla, don’t just drive by the corner of 11th and State streets. Find a parking spot and take a peek inside this impressive structure.

Mary Helen Stoltz, Engl’95, news & features editor

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On November 24, 2014. Posted in Fall/Winter 2014, From the editor