Coming soon: 450 new beds

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On November 24, 2014

In June, the University of Missouri Board of Curators approved a proposal to replace the aging residence halls in the Quadrangle with a new apartment-style housing complex. The curators approved $30 million in revenue bond financing for the project, which will add housing for 450 students and remove more than $35 million in deferred maintenance from the books.

The new facility will be built at the northeast corner of the intersection of University Drive and U.S. Interstate 44, near the site of Missouri S&T’s Residential College buildings. The Ɋuad buildings will be razed and plans call for that area to be used for additional campus parking. Those plans could be reevaluated, however, and the site could be considered for campus housing if needed.

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On November 24, 2014. Posted in Around the Puck, Fall/Winter 2014, News