White tells grads: ‘Follow your passion’

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On April 1, 2014

Gary White, CE’85, MS CE’87, speaks to new graduates during December 2013 commencement ceremonies.

Let your passion lead you to address “the world’s greatest needs,” Gary White, CE’85, MS CE’87, told 700 new S&T graduates during December 2013 commencement ceremonies. White is CEO of Water.org, which helps people in developing nations gain access to safe water and sanitation.

White, who co-founded Water.org with actor Matt Damon, discussed his journey as a social entrepreneur and the relevance of his journey to new graduates.

“Your life should be about finding the intersection of your greatest passion and the world’s greatest needs,” White told the graduates.

During commencement, White was awarded the doctor of engineering degree, honoris causa.

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On April 1, 2014. Posted in 2014, Around the Puck, News, Spring 2014