Missouri S&T’s new strategic plan provides a blueprint to ensure that every undergraduate student gets involved in “experiential learning,” along with upgrades in teaching and research facilities, and identifying four best-in-class areas and hiring additional faculty positions. These and other goals will help ensure that S&T offers the best possible return on investment for students, research partners and others, Chancellor Cheryl B. Schrader says.
The plan — titled “Rising to the Challenge: Missouri S&T’s Strategy for Success” — is the result of a year-long process involving thousands of faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends. Schrader discussed the plan during her State of the University Address in September.
“Missouri S&T is well-known for providing a high return on investment for our undergraduate students in terms of starting salaries and career success,” Schrader says. “We want to make sure that all of our customers receive that same sort of high ROI. This plan is our blueprint for providing an exceptional ROI for all undergraduate or graduate students who earn their S&T degrees on campus or online — or a combination of the two — as well as the employers who hire our students, the companies and agencies who partner with us in research, and the donors who invest in Missouri S&T and help us realize our promising future.”
Details of the plan are available online at strategicplan.mst.edu.