Q&A: Which Best Ever was the best ever?

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On March 6, 2012

In 1908, a tradition was born — the annual St. Pat’s celebration at Missouri S&T. Each year, the celebration becomes larger than life. However, everyone seems to have a favorite, or most memorable year, for a variety of reasons.

The best ever is, by definition, the proceeding year! #bestever #n+1
Mike Hunter, Math’99
submitted via Twitter (@diabolical_mdog)

I have some inside knowledge that this year will truly be the #bestbestever.
Nick Baum, CE, senior
submitted via Twitter (@DSPcashcab)

I will say 1988, first of all, because my hubby, Smoky (Michael Gross, MetE’88), was St. Pat. Secondly, their court was able to convince the administration to continue on with St. Pat’s despite the negative events that had happened.
Karen Davis Gross
submitted via Facebook

The 100th was the Best Ever! It was Animal House in real life!
Michael Wuest, Bus’07, MBA’08
submitted via Twitter (@MichaelWuest)

The 100th Best Ever St. Pat’s was the BEST EVER. My fiancé surprised me and proposed during a Zeta Tau Alpha candlelight.
Katie Aiken, EE’06
submitted via Facebook

The 103rd annual best ever St. Pat’s, my court year. I haven’t painted the street yet though.
Matt Mitchell, CSci’10, Math’11
submitted via Twitter (@MeowMaster)

Since I’m in (heart) with St. Pat 1991, I guess I’d have to say … 2009, when we reconnected.
Jana Schaefer, NDD’94
submitted via Facebook

That’s easy — St. Pat’s 1993. I started dating my wife (Rebecca Dunkmann, CE’97) during that St. Pat’s. I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is yes, there was alcohol involved. We’ve been married for 13 years now and have two future Miners.
Brian Repke, GGph’96, MS GGph’98
submitted via email

1978. Seventy years of St. Pat’s. Rusty Goldammer, CE’78, was St. Pat. John Eash, AE’79, MS EMgt’90, won the novelty beard contest at Dave’s Barber Shop on Pine Street. Triangle fraternity members were the “Cone Heads” as a non-float entry in the parade. Many organizations made floats and cudgels that required engineering solutions to complete. Missouri Secretary of State James Kirkpatrick took part in the celebration and then-Governor Kit Bond walked in the parade and was an Honorary Knight. We made an impact on the community by providing events that drew outside people to town so sales were boosted.
Richard Koch, CE’79
submitted via email

The next Best Ever.
Jeremy Chaney, EE, junior
submitted via Facebook

Email your answers to alumni@mst.edu, or via Facebook or Twitter, by May 1, 2012.

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On March 6, 2012. Posted in In Your Words