Mines and Met: No. 1-7

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On September 12, 2011

Since our founding in 1870 as the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, we’ve grown to become one of the nation’s top technological research universities. But that doesn’t mean we’ve abandoned our roots in mining and metallurgy.

No. 01: Experimental Mine
S&T has its own underground training facility for mining engineering students.

2_Explosives.jpgNo. 02: Explosives
Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole! S&T was the first university in the nation to offer a minor in explosives engineering. We now offer a master’s degree, too. And for high school students, S&T hosts Explosives Camp every summer.

3_Fireworks.jpgNo. 03: Fireworks
We’re not talking about bottle rockets here. Thanks to our explosives experts, Rolla benefits from big fireworks displays during the summer and at football games and special events. There have even been fireworks at St. Pat’s coronation. Indoors.

No. 04: Haunted Mine
Every Halloween, the Experimental Mine becomes the Haunted Mine. S&T students have been scaring the bejeezus out of Rolla kids there for more than a decade now.

No. 05: Miner statue
A gift from the 1950 mining engineering class, the bronze sculpture titled Today’s Miner found a home in McNutt Hall. Surrounded by tables, chairs and couches in an open area of the building, the Miner watches over students as they study.

No. 06: Mineral Museum
Following the close of the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, many minerals that had been exhibited were shipped to Rolla. Housed in McNutt Hall, the collection includes approximately 3,500 specimens from all over the world, including gold, diamonds and meteorites.

7_HotGlass.jpgNo. 07: Hot Glass Shop
Students learn the connections between art and materials science in this on-campus glass-blowing studio.

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On September 12, 2011. Posted in Fall 2011, Features