140 things we LOVE about S&T

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On September 12, 2011

26_RollaBldg.jpgHappy 140th birthday, Missouri S&T! OK, technically we were founded 141 years ago, but the first classes at the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy didn’t begin until Nov. 6, 1871. Campus lore says it snowed that day. A lot. But that didn’t stop the group of students — the first-ever Miners — who gave S&T a start.

To celebrate that first class, and all the classes that followed, the Missouri S&T Magazine staff set out to list 140 of the things our alumni love best about their alma mater. One for each year.

We asked what you loved most, and boy did you come through. You told us about classes, student organizations, food — both on-campus and off — and hijinks. Many of you told us how great campus life was when you were in school and about how you discovered the true value of your Rolla degree after you left.

The list that follows is in no particular order. It isn’t ranked. Read it. Enjoy it. We hope it will bring back memories.

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On September 12, 2011. Posted in Fall 2011, Features