One alumnus learned that he shared an alma mater with his neighbor by using a tool on the Miner Alumni Association’s online community. Another found the perfect employee to fill a position across the country in an email conversation with alumni office staff.
There’s no denying the importance of online communication for busy alumni wanting to keep in touch with their university.
Missouri S&T alumni have several ways to keep in touch with their alma mater — and with each other — online.
Alumni staff members send email invitations to alumni section events based on geography. That way they can target alumni in the area and save on postage and printing costs. They also send a quarterly e-newsletter (soon to be more often) with information about the association and the university.
Alumni, Donors and Friends website
Located at, this site is the face of the alumni association. This is where you can find updates on the Hasselmann Alumni House and links to help you stay connected through social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter.
Online Community
Located at, this site is everything an S&T grad could need from a university website. You’ll find class notes, section information, classifieds and an alumni directory to help you reach out to your former classmates.
“The online community is the best of both worlds — safe and secure, but also connected,” says Marianne Ward, director of alumni and constituent relations. “It gives people a chance to connect without sharing their personal information. People who want to remain private, do.”