Professional degrees awarded

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On March 8, 2011

Missouri S&T awarded 10 honorary professional degrees during commencement on Dec. 18.

The professional degree recipients are:
Jeffrey Lee Feaster, CE’77, of Houston, vice president of engineering at NCI Building Systems
Karen Squires Foelsch, CSci’89, of Iowa City, Iowa, senior vice president of digital fulfillment services for the assessment and information group of Pearson
Gregory L. Hempen, PhD GeoE’93, of St. Louis, a consultant for URS Corp.
Mark Paul Jordan of Clayton, Mo., vice president and chief information officer for Furniture Brands
Mary C. Lamie, MS CE’98, of Collinsville, Ill., deputy director of highways in region five for the Illinois Department of Transportation
Ricky Lynn Martin, MetE’82, MS EMgt’84, of St. Louis, enterprise manager of Boeing’s multi-site metallic materials and processes technology team
Stephen H. McVeigh, CE’72, of Spring, Texas, retired from Shell Oil
John Robert Miller, GGph’82, MS GGph’84, of Houston, chief operating officer of Juneau Exploration
Michael Joseph Mohan, EMgt’83, of Spicewood, Texas, an independent technical consultant and former president, CEO and founder of Silicon MAGIKE
Albert Bruce Neil, president and CEO of The Doe Run Co.

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On March 8, 2011. Posted in News, Spring 2011