A top SAT score

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On November 19, 2007

Aerospace engineering graduate students Mike Dancer and Jason Searcy took first place in the Student Scholarship Competition session at the 21st Annual Conference on Small Satellites for their paper about the UMR SAT mission.

The conference was held Aug. 13-16 in Logan, Utah.

The UMR SAT team has spent the last two years designing and constructing a pair of satellites, MR SAT (Missouri-Rolla Satellite) and MRS SAT (Missouri-Rolla Second Satellite).

At the beginning of the proposed mission, the two satellites are docked and only separate once in space. The pair is designed to separate and autonomously maintain a specified flight formation. Dancer, Searcy and Henry Pernicka, associate professor of aerospace engineering and their faculty advisor, plan to submit the results of their research to two journals for publication.

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On November 19, 2007. Posted in News, Winter 2007