Switzer earns honors

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On September 12, 2007

Jay A. Switzer, the Donald L. Castleman Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at UMR, received the Presidential Award for Research and Creativity from the University of Missouri.

The award, presented May 31 by interim University of Missouri President Gordon H. Lamb and his wife, Nancy, recognizes a faculty member with a sustained record of national and international quality research or creativity.

Switzer is an international leader in materials synthesis by electrodeposition, an area at the interface between chemistry, electrochemistry, materials science and solid-state physics. Since joining UMR in 1990, he has produced numerous patents and journal articles, including four Science papers and a Nature paper.

His current research focuses on chiral electrochemical sensors, which could be useful to the pharmaceutical industry.

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On September 12, 2007. Posted in Fall 2007, Research